Sunday, June 5, 2011


For the past month or so I've been getting pretty jealous of all my friend's and their babies that are younger then Ollie, or heck even the same age, because their babies are eating real food, rolling over (he used to know how to roll over, but now that skill has since been lost), getting into a sitting position all by themselves, crawling, scooting, pulling to standing, cruising furniture, and some are even walking. I've not only been jealous, its made me pretty sad. I will admit that I even started crying a couple weeks ago seeing a baby the same age as Oliver crawl all over her house and taking baby steps around the house while holding a hand. At that moment, in my heart, I just felt a sense of defeat for Ollie, and I felt sad, jealous and even mad FOR Oliver. How is all of this fair to him? Why can't his body just give in and work for him instead of against him?
With all of that being said, I've decided I don't want to be mad or jealous anymore. Of course I want him to catch up developmentally and be able to crawl, walk, eat real food, etc...but for now, I'm going to enjoy what we have. I mean, I can sit him down in one spot, leave the room, come back and guess what...he's still in that spot. No playing the guessing game of "Where did the baby go?". Even that is a huge accomplishment, up until last week I would never dream of leaving his side while he was sitting up for fear that he might fall over, but now we can get a good 20 minutes out of him before he's too tired to sit up anymore on his own and then its lay down or Bumbo time. Oh and we can leave his crib on the highest setting still which means no breaking my back trying to put him in the crib since I'm so short, PLUS it makes life easier with the feeding pump if I don't have to climb into the crib to reach.
So I am all done being jealous and mad. A little sad for Ollie? Yes of course, but all in due time he will catch up in his own way. It may not be the traditional way like other babies, but thats not Oliver, he's not traditional. We continue with extensive PT, ST, OT, FT and one of these days he will get of these days!

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