Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time Out

I have noticed that I have been yelling, A LOT, lately and using time out less. Time to get back to using time out more effectively, because the more I yell, the worse things seem to get and I don't like that.
I told the boys I am all done yelling and they will be sent to time out more often if they don't straighten up. So far the time out chair has been used quite a bit this morning, but seems they've figured out time outs suck and are acting better as far as the fighting goes. Also doesn't help that I threatened to take away the trains the next time they fight over them.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A good day

Today was one of those days where I felt like my life was normal. It was a happy day. The boys slept in late (which I was very happy about since Ollie was up coughing a lot last night). He was the first to wake up at 7:25, followed by Keegy at 7:45 and then Aiden at 9:00! Ollie had therapy 9-11 and Keegan had therapy 930-1200. I did the drop offs and went to the gym. I ran over 2 miles today, which I am pretty happy about considering I haven't ran in a while, just been doing my Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD. I miss running. I miss the way it makes me think, but clears my mind at the time same, I miss the natural high I feel afterwards. I just hope that things in our live stay semi settled down so I can hit the gym everyday and go for a run and feel human- feel normal! Todd picked the boys up from therapy today, which was wonderful. I didn't feel like I had to rush back from the gym, I was able to take a nice shower, and get dressed in peace. I baked today. I haven't baked in what feels like forever, but maybe its been a week. I've been craving banana bread so I had to make it so Ollie can try it, and Keegan can eat it. I had a bunch of bananas and I just got more GF flour so I figured I'd make 2 different loaves. Its a good thing too because that GF flour, for some reason, makes the bread fall apart. I cut the loaf with regular flour and it cut beautifully. Cut the GF loaf and its just falls apart, so its just stuffed into a zip lock bag. Keegan doesn't care anyways, he smashes it to pieces before eating it. He doesn't know the difference! I think next time I will just keep the loaf whole and cut it as needed. Lesson Learned!! I made chicken parm sandwiches from scratch today, which were amazing. I sat down and played Playdoh with the big kids today while Ollie napped. (I haven't done that in a long time). I let the kids eat "SpaghettiO's" for dinner because that's what Aiden wanted. Of course I had to make Keegan's look just like Aiden's so I'm cooking, and cutting corn penne pasta into little circles....and he took maybe 2 bites and decided he was "dooooh" (AKA DONE). Ah the things I do for these boys! LOL. I love that I got to sneak in quiet time with my amazing husband today, even if it was only for 5 minutes, Keegan and Ollie were napping and Aiden was watching "trains on videos" (AKA- YouTube- TRAINS). But it was great to just spend a few minutes together without the kids crying, screaming, whining, asking for one of us to play trains.... which I did today. I took the time to play trains. I HATE playing trains. Its annoying, and boring and I hate trains, but I did it and it really was a big deal to Aiden, which makes it worth it to me. Later on Ollie and I even went into the room to just watch Aiden play trains, and even that was super cool. It gave me a break, Ollie was entertained just by being in the boy's rooms and Aiden was telling him all about the darn trains while I zoned out. And forget it when Keegan is involved....its trains, trains, trains all day long. Creaky Cranky, Thomas, Percy, James, Edward, Gordon, Diesel, Toby, Bill, Mavis, Emily, Salty, Oliver, Henry... the list goes on and on. I know all the trains....I hear about them all day, they watch Thomas movies, Thomas TV shows, play Thomas the Train....welcome to the Island of Sodor! Okay, enough about trains! LOL!
Seriously though, its been a good day. I was very happy to get the phone call from the pulmonologist office that they received Ollie's medical records from NM finally. Now I just need to wait and give him time to read them to come up with a treatment plan. They just need to hurry up and get this done before we leave for vacation. I can't have them decided when I'm all the way in RI they want to see him the next day to do whatever they need to do!
Tonight & Monday are the only night of the week I look forward to watching TV now that its summer. Love Bites is on tonight and I save all my laundry folding for tonight, so I can stay awake to watch it, otherwise pretty sure I would fall asleep on the cough. So I'm off to pop some popcorn, grab a tall glass of ice cold water and all 3 laundry basket and watch some TV!
Looking forward to more good days like today!
Oh and if anyone has any ideas on how to single handedly put eye drops into a feisty 12 month old's eye and actually get them IN the eye, it would be fabulous if you'd share! On top of it all Ollie has pink eye! (But would we expect anything less? Nope!)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I'm just feeling so frustrated with everything involving Oliver's medical. I came very close to slapping a resident across the face today, and now I get a call from the pulmonologist at 8pm telling me he STILL doesn't have a treatment plan for Oliver and needs his medical records from New Mexico...WHAT??? You have GOT TO BE kidding me. I have requested those damn records 6 times now. I even had the medical home nurse fax over a request and call for the records, and the pulmo still doesn't have them. How the hell is this possible? This can't be happening. I gave him the info to fax over a request for himself because at this point I am just done. This is what is holding up his treatment plan, I'm pissed. I'm about to fly to ALB myself and get the records. I came to AR with what they gave me, the important stuff supposedly but no info on his NICU stay, when he got admitted and they ran test after test after test on him! No MRI results, no echos, nothing...so what the hell did they send me with that was the "important stuff"?? Ah I hate New Mexico more and more! Its just bullshit is what it is and I'm so frustrated!