Monday, May 23, 2011


Yesterday was a pretty good day, an all around good day, minus my stove breaking.
Last night, for the first time, in a long time, Todd and I laid in bed and laughed at the funny, cute, crazy stuff our kids did that day.
Aiden was just positively cute yesterday. He was such a ham and in a great mood. He was trying to figure out where Todd got his watch from and Todd told him to guess but he would give him a hint. The hint was "This person also gives you nice things". Aiden's responses was "Strangers?" and then "Logan's family?" REALLY AIDEN!!! What about your mother, me, your mom? I give you nice things all the time....and he said "Oh yeah, like that time you gave me a lollipop with chocolate inside it?" Thanks Aiden. But it really was hysterical., Keegan is just talking up a storm. I love the way the talks, and I absolutely love hearing what is going on in his brain. He is way smarter then I've ever given him credit for. He's not only identifying objects around the house, he is naming shapes, colors, and we even have 2 word sentences coming from him. Its so wonderful to hear him talk and know that he can hear us. My favorite though is when he says Thank You. He first learned to say "Thanks Aiden" so now even if he wants to thank me he will say "Thanks Aid--, Thanks Mommy" Cracks me up.
Oliver was a normal baby yesterday. We played with him, we laughed with him, and just enjoyed him. I can honestly say (even if it sounds mean, sad, whatever) aside from when he was a newborn in the NICU, this was the FIRST time I've ever really enjoyed him all day...before we would have 5 or 10 minutes of normalcy but it was so great yesterday. SO so SO so SO great! He is developing quite a personality and we are starting to see he has a sense of humor. He loves to play peekaboo and pat-a-cake. He is very strong willed and knows what he does and doesn't want. Although he doesn't have any words, he is starting to make some sounds now too.
As we laid in bed last night, laughing and talking about the day, I felt like we were heading back towards a sense of normalcy and I felt happy, truly happy. No matter what attitudes, disabilities and special needs these kids have, they are awesome and we can have a normal life with them. Even if our normal is different from everyone else's normal, its normal for us.


  1. You are an inspiration to so many mothers Maureen. You don't amaze me because a mother.. a real mother.. does not ever give up on the trials and tribulations that come with raising children.. with or without disabilities. But you, you inspire me with your energy, your love, your consistant and constant determination and dedication with your boys. Your energy, your will, your perserverance, your emotions, your physical abilities have been tested and yet you continue on. BECAUSE YOU ARE A TRUE MOTHER! You have been run down, beat down, emotionally drained... you've been brought to your knees but never fully down. You always have that little reserve of energy to pull yourself back up onto your feet, brush yourself off and continue nurturing your boys, loving them and moving forward.. because you are a real mother.. not just because you have to.

    So, you have my vote as a mother of inspiration and hope. You are a super hero and I am so proud to have you as my friend <3

  2. you are an amazing mom, wife... and sister. and i love you so much. You are a woman i aspire to be. One more month to go :)
