Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grumpy Pants

Today Ive got on my grumpy pants. I'm trying really hard not to be a total bitch today, but my goodness its really hard. I'm sure its because I'm tired, the kids are tired so they are crabby, the baby is teething so he is being a fuss bucket. I despise teething. Its really a cruel joke.
We've been enjoying our long weekend so far. The pump has been great. Ollie STTN 2 days in a row, until these damn teeth started coming in. Now he's waking up a couple times but its tolerable. We've had friends over Fri & Sat for a BBQ, which was a lot of fun...then Todd got sick...bummer. He better not pass that sh*t this way. Last thing I need is 3 kids and myself with a stomach virus while he is away for 2 weeks....It really would just be a blast....*major sarcasm*
But once he gets back it should be good times (seriously). Minus Monday when I have to go to the dentist and they stick a needle in my face to fix my sticky spot on my tooth that Ive had for 15 years now. But since I'm getting ---OLDER--- as the dentist put it, I'm at a higher risk for it turning into a cavity or worse, needing a route canal if I go another 4 years before going back to the dentist. So not looking forward to a needle in the face...thank god for the Valium he prescribed me. Then the next day I take Aiden to the dentist...I won't share my traumatic needle to the face story with him! LOL
Then on Friday 18th we are having Oliver's 1st birthday party. My sister & her wifey are coming Monday, my parental units are coming Wed (Ollie's REAL birthday) and we are having another mini party then. I can't believe this monkey is going to be 1 in less then a month! Its been a long year.
Oh man. The joys of having boys... Aiden and Keegan are playing with a fly, that Keegan caught and killed. "Oh no buggie" GROSS...they are smashing it..."I broke the fly" -Thanks Aiden! Ewwww

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